Breastfeeding Pearls 101


Congratulations on your bundle of joy or soon-to-be bundle of joy! There is so much that goes into planning for pre-conception care, pregnancy, labor and delivery… and breastfeeding should certainly be added to the list!

We’ve been with many Moms who have struggled with breastfeeding, unfortunately. It’s one of the most natural tasks of motherhood and yet, it doesn’t always come easily or naturally. There can be various struggles from supply to latch to nipple anatomy and much more. We offer our breastfeeding tips that we hope may help you on your journey! Best of luck, mommas!

·       Hydrate! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. We can’t promote this pearl enough! With the overwhelming tasks of motherhood already, sometimes the simple task of keeping track of your daily water intake gets easily lost in the shuffle. Aim for at least ½ of your body weight in ounces, at minimum. Many sources suggest adding an additional 20+ ounces to this minimum throughout your time of nursing.

·       Sleep + rest… When the body is exhausted, it makes sense that it doesn’t have the bandwidth to produce milk. Simple as that! So as the saying goes, if you can, Momma… sleep when the baby sleeps, okay? 😊

·       Eat an anti-inflammatory diet. All of the food and nutrients you put into your body, are the ingredients to your breastmilk. And the more you can stick to fresh foods, organic when possible, lots of color, clean meats and minimal sugar + processed foods, the better!

·       Minimize stress. No pressure, right?! Stress hormones will without a doubt interfere with the hormone cascade necessary to promote milk production. There are many things to stress about in motherhood, including breastfeeding & whether or not you’ll have enough supply. If you feel your stress building, take a few deep breaths, go for a short walk, ask for help or do anything that will help you to decompress.

·       Schedule a lactation consultation. Lactation consultants are angels on earth as are midwives! Both are beautifully equipped to help Moms navigate breastfeeding. Whether you’re having trouble or not, these sessions are well worth it, trust us!

·       Have your child’s latch evaluated. Tongue ties are much more common than we originally thought! A pediatric specialist will be able to identify and also resolve the issue, if present.

·       Pump + breast massage. Finding a great breast pump is key! This will help to stimulate your milk supply and give you a jump on building a freezer supply for that long-awaited date night or time away from your munchkin, for much-needed self-care. The shower is also a great place for massage and additional gentle, hand-pumping. This will help to minimize your risk of mastitis and soothe sore, full breasts, too.

·       Wear loose clothing/bras. Not only to be super comfy but also so that there are no additional restrictions placed on milk ducts.

·       Be gentle on yourself. And repeat, over and over and over again. Mommyhood can bring much joy and also many challenges. Kindness towards yourself is important and equally supportive in helping you to build a healthy milk supply.