Daily Immune Basics

We can run, but we can’t hide. School has started and we’re entering the beautiful Fall/Winter season. In addition to the comfortable, cool temperatures and the beauty of changing leaves, we’re met with the beginning of cold + flu season. Certainly not our favorite. However, there are daily habits we can establish to provide the best possible support for our immune systems and help prevent illness all together. Who’s with us?!

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

-Benjamin Franklin

With that said, coming down with a cold or flu is often inevitable...if you’re practicing healthy living strategies, the chances for a more mild illness, of shorter duration and less severe symptoms is much greater. Although inconvenient and certainly not fun, getting sick now and then is okay; comparable to a musical instrument that needs fine tuning, so too does the immune system. After all, it works hard to keep us healthy and strong for our whole lives! (Kind of a big deal!) Here are some quick tips for daily healthy living…

1. Get some rest!

Strive for 8 hrs of sleep nightly, don’t overdo it (especially during the busy holiday season!). Proper rest is the foundation for health and the time your body requires to heal and restore.

2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Aim for ½ of your body weight in ounces of room temperature, filtered water daily, away from meals. (example: 150 lbs = aim for 75 ounces of water/daily)

3. Keep your plate clean!

Load your plate full of organic, fresh fruits + veggies (and MORE veggies!), hormone free meats, and those foods with the fewest ingredients and least amount of processing. Eat REAL food!

4. Minimize sugar!

Studies show that sugar decreases white blood cell function (these are the special little cells that work hard to fight viruses, bacteria, and other foreign invaders that threaten your health).

5. Go outside and breathe in that fresh air + sunshine!

Get outside throughout the winter season, even if only for brief periods of time.

6. Manage + Minimize stress!

Sometimes easier said than done...studies show stress also decreases immune function! (Read our Daily Tips For Stress Reduction article for tips on managing and minimizing stress.)

7. Exercise + Move!

Even if you’re feeling a tad under-the-weather, gentle movement or stretching will help to encourage lymph, blood, oxygen, and nutrient flow throughout your body...which in turn helps to kick start healing.

8. Wash your hands!

Not just your kids...you, too! Lather up for at least 20 seconds and rinse under warm, running water. Simple, yet often forgotten. Oopsie. :)

**Keep your eyes peeled for our immune support e-book - coming soon!!