Elderberry - Does It Live Up To The Hype?

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Discussions of elderberry spring up about this time of year - just before the official cold/flu season strikes. Headlines talk of its ability to decrease inflammation, and help prevent + ease cold/flu symptoms...but does this delicious syrup live up to its hype?

Elderberry, or Sambucus, is a flowering plant which bears beautiful red to black-colored berries when ripe, and is native to Africa, Europe, and parts of Asia. We see the berries commonly used in jams, syrups, and wine. Among its many properties, the Elderberry contains anthocyanidins, which are antioxidants found naturally in plants and boast immune-boosting properties as well as flavonoids which also have antioxidant properties and can prevent cell damage. The berries themselves are naturally high in vitamins A, C, B6, and contain potassium, and iron, to name a few. Even the “father of medicine” himself, Hippocrates, referred to this herb as the “medicine chest” of all herbs due to its endless benefit. 

So what does current medical research say about the Elderberry?

●      This 2016 article supports use of Elderberry in its ability to reduce cold duration and symptoms in air travelers. Participants used the herb for 10-days prior to travel until 4-5 days following arrival overseas with a noticeable reduction in symptoms!

●      This 2004 study suggested that those patients treated with elderberry four times a day for 5 days recorded relief of symptoms an average of 4 days sooner than those who did not use elderberry. So cool!

●      A 2019 study found that supplementation with Elderberry substantially reduced upper respiratory symptoms in a total sample of 180 participants, with suggestion as it being a safer alternative to some routine drugs used in cold and flu treatment. Wa-hoo!

So yes! We certainly agree with Hippocrates in his opinion of Elderberry! We LOVE this powerful, beautiful berry - it deserves our attention and a place in your medicine cabinet. Stock up and be ready, Blossoms!


We like AnthoImmune Organic Black Organic Elderberry Syrup taken 1TBSP daily throughout winter months, as prevention. With the onset of illness, increase up to 3TBSP daily.

Available to shop in our Wellevate Dispensary

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These Elderberry Zinc lozenges are also great to have on hand - LOVE for travel and to keep in your purse! 

Available to shop in our Wellevate Dispensary


** Take a look at our Daily Immune Basics article to find more great ideas for supporting a healthy immune system.


Evelin Tiralongo,1,2,* Shirley S. Wee,2,3 and Rodney A. Lea4. Elderberry Supplementation Reduces Cold Duration and Symptoms in Air-Travellers: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Nutrients. 2016 Apr; 8(4): 182.

Hawkins J1, Baker C2, Cherry L2, Dunne E2. Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) supplementation effectively treats upper respiratory symptoms: A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled clinical trials. Complement Ther Med. 2019 Feb;42:361-365. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.12.004. Epub 2018 Dec 18.

Zakay-Rones Z1, Thom E, Wollan T, Wadstein J. Randomized study of the efficacy and safety of oral elderberryextract in the treatment of influenza A and B virus infections. J Int Med Res. 2004 Mar-Apr;32(2):132-40.