Let's Have Some Fun

Most of us live by the go-go-go mentality. We have jam-packed schedules, jam-packed lives and little time to really just be. Much less, have fun!

One of the most important and common complaints I hear in practice is that there’s just not enough time. Not enough time to manage the daily tasks, much less to meal-plan, to feed herself/her family well, maintain quality relationships beyond her partner + kids (if even that!), to exercise and certainly no time for anything related to fun

(Detour: I like to have my super busy patients explore whether or not the “I’m so busy” narrative is simply that, a narrative we’ve rehearsed and replayed in our minds in efforts to “keep up” with those around us. Ok, back on track now…)

I love the way James Rouse talks about how having fun is good for our health. He says, “There’s a powerful energy called moral and emotional contagion that compels the positive forces around us to attract us and raise us up. We tend to emulate what’s around us, and our body and mind copies what it sees and feels. Choose to ‘decorate your life’ with people who are light, loving and hopeful. Use them as mentors, coaches and inspirations, because they know the secret of life.” How beautiful! How perfect! The message here is…in order to have fun, you really do need to surround yourself with happy, supportive, positive people. And this certainly starts with ourselves, which then carries over to our immediate families.

The reason I know this to be true is because I see it in practice all of the time! When I’m with a patient and we’re taking an inventory of all that may be lending towards her stress, anxiety and poor mood, we often realize that either a partner or her child has been particularly stressed lately. It’s fascinating how the energy and feelings of a single person in the house - adult or child - transcends to others.  Be on the lookout for this, because perhaps this person also needs a bit more fun in their life. After all, scientists have found that happy people live longer! And more fun = more happiness!

So whatever FUN looks like to YOU! (no one else gets to decide)—a quiet cup of joe (in a cute coffee shop), a quick weekend getaway, a night out with your girlfriends (the ones you’ve been wanting to hang out with for months or even years!), journaling, doodling or absolutely nothing at all, your to-do list has only one single item on it, so go for it! Unplug, unwind and have some fun! Will ya? 😊