Adult General Health + Immune Support


Whether it’s cold + flu season, you’re fighting off a ‘bug’ running its course through the house, or you’re looking for ways to optimize your general health + immune system function, read on! Here are some of our FAVORITE + most trusted formulas and what we focus on to keep us ready to fight any immune invaders.

1. Multivitamin


A quality multivitamin is the perfect place to start for any support regimen. It allows you to cover your vitamin + mineral basics and fill in nutritional gaps day-to-day. It’s important to look for a high-quality product that contains the most active nutrient forms, such as B vitamins, like methyltetrahydrofolate and Methylcobalamin while minimizing fillers, food dyes or other unnecessary additives. We like O.N.E. Multivitamin by Pure Encapsulations. It’s low commitment 1 cap/day serving packs a healthy punch!

2. Probiotic


You’ve heard us mention this before and we’ll say it again - your gastrointestinal system houses the majority of your immune system. So let’s take care of that gut, yes?! Well-balanced gut flora provides a great mechanism of defense against foreign bacterial + viral invaders. Probiotic 50B by Pure Encapsulations is a great product we use in our homes.

Pro tip: keep your probiotic in a cool climate, like your refrigerator. Heat destroys the friendly little bacteria. AND with the lid tightly capped as moisture will decrease viability of the good bacteria present in probiotics.

3. Vitamin D3


Did you know that nearly every. single. cell. in our body has a vitamin D receptor?! And it’s actually considered a prohormone: substances that the body converts to a hormone. Its role is critical in immune support, and low levels have also been linked to mood disorders such as depression, cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, autoimmune disease...and the list goes on. Friendly reminder to get your level checked and supplement appropriately! We use OrthoMolecular Vitamin D3 w/K2 liquid for ease. 

Inclusion of K (potassium) helps ensure calcium is integrated to bone and also not displaced with too much influx of vitamin D.

4. Buffered Vitamin C

Vitamin C is historically known to provide immune support. We choose a buffered form, such as Integrative Therapeutics Buffered Vitamin C OR Designs for Health C+Biofizz powder (has a sweet orange flavor - perfect to mix in water!). Buffered C makes it easier for individuals with a sensitive or compromised digestive system to take a higher amount of Vitamin C and also provides calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

5. Zinc Citrate


We aim for approximately 30mg/day of zinc during times of increased immune stress, which supports our body in mounting its natural defense mechanisms. Foods that are naturally high in zinc include pumpkin seeds, lentils, red meat, and seafood. If you don’t feel as though you consume enough zinc in your diet, Zinc Liquid by Pure Encapsulations is easy to take!

6. Fish Oil


You knew this one was coming, didn’t you? It’s true, a good quality source of omega-3 fatty acids supports general health + immunity. We prefer to stick to cod liver oil as it also contains vitamins A + D. Carlson’s Cod Liver Oil, lemon- flavored, uses wild caught Nordic cod, is rich in omega’s + nutrients and has a trusted purification process. If you’re just not into the liquid form, their Cod Liver Oil Softgels are great, too!

7. Antiviral Herbs


We LOVE antimicrobial herbs and the extra support they provide! We always have Viracid by Ortho Molecular on-hand, especially during the cold + flu season. It contains a few of our favorites, including astragalus, andrographis, and echinacea, which, together, supports immune function, aids in immune challenges, and helps maintain inflammatory balance. Love these friendly herbs!

We invite you to also read our Daily Immune Basics article for additional tips found here.

All products mentioned above can be found here in our online supplement dispensary called Wellevate. Create a FREE account to have physician-grade products shipped directly to you from a reliable source. 

Friendly reminder to consult your qualified primary healthcare provider prior to beginning use of supplements.