Seasonal Allergy Support


Changes in season are filled with much excitement for trees budding, flowers blooming, and the feeling of a “fresh start”. Although the seasonal change can be a welcome sign of warmer weather and more sunshine, or leaves falling, for many, it signifies the start of coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, scratchy throat, and even hives, ear infections or eczema...enter seasonal allergies.

It is estimated that about 10-30% of adults and up to 40% of children are affected, with numbers expected to rise. For those who suffer with seasonal allergies, you’re left with the choice to struggle through it or take medications that may have undesirable side effects such as low energy/sleepiness, upset stomach, restlessness, feeling overly-wired and dried out airways. The good news: there are many natural remedies, lifestyle modifications including dietary strategies that can help allergy sufferers! Let’s check out a few…

Natural Remedies

●       N-acetyl cysteine (NAC): acts as both an anti-inflammatory & mucolytic. We use 300-600mg 3x/day and prefer to use Integrative Therapeutics’ NAC.

●       Probiotics: work to modify + boost the intestinal flora in your gut, thus providing strength to the immune system. We use 25-50 billion CFU’s/daily, especially when immune support is needed. We love Probiotic 50B by Pure Encapsulations and Therbiotic Complete by Klaire Labs.

●       Omega-3 Fatty Acids: reduces inflammation + supports the immune system. Our favorite is 1 tsp - 1 T/day Carlson’s Lemon Cod Liver Oil.

●       Vitamin C w/ Flavonoids by Thorne: provides enhanced immune support + antioxidants. 500mg- 3,000mg/daily; if loose bowels result, decrease dosage by ½.

●       XLear Nasal Spray: some prefer using nasal spray as needed (versus a Neti Pot-which can also be great!) as it helps wash, soothe and moisturize the nasal passages, while loosening that tricky, sticky mucus.

●       BCQ: contains bromelain, curcumin & quercitin to provide powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine effects. We love this unique formula by Vital Nutrients, dosage is 1-3 caps, 2-4 times daily.

Lifestyle Modifications

●       Stress Reduction. It is known that increased stress alters your body's ability to produce an appropriate immune response, associated with allergic reactivity. Read our stress reduction tips here.

●       Stay hydrated. Hydration keeps membranes moist & helps flush toxins. Drink at least ½ your body weight in ounces of fresh, filtered water daily.

●       Change your clothes + bedding often to keep allergens away.

●       Shower daily and/or after spending time outside.

●       Keep windows & doors closed.

●       Keep your pets clean. Wipe them off or bathe them after time outdoors.

●       Install a quality HEPA filter in your home. Our favorite is IQ Air - check them out here on our website.

Complementary Modalities

●       Neti Pot - used twice daily, AM & PM, during allergy season, this method can be effective in flushing mucus & relieving congestion.

●       Steam inhalation- as needed/desired; add 100% organic, pure eucalyptus oil to your shower basin or to a sink filled with hot water, breathe slowly and deeply for symptom relief.

●       Acupuncture - there have been numerous studies demonstrating a reduced need for antihistamines + decreased symptoms with treatment. Certainly worth a consultation with your acupuncturist!

●       Visit your Chiropractor - all systems of the body, including immune, depend on the optimal function of the nervous system.

Foods also play a HUGE role in exacerbation of seasonal allergy symptoms. We cannot over emphasize the importance of eating clean and keeping inflammatory, mucogenic foods out of your system if you are affected by allergies. Besides avoiding any foods you know you are allergic or sensitive to, the following are recommended for avoidance: alcohol, dairy (all forms), chocolate, coffee/caffeine, sugar, wheat/gluten, soy and citrus. Also stay away from artificial sweeteners, processed foods, and preservatives such as sulfites.

All of the above natural treatment methods can be major lifesavers in the moment of need. To really get to the nitty gritty of kicking your allergies, taking an inventory of your overall health is key, particularly the gastrointestinal system. Read our article here regarding the immune system + gut health, to learn how the two work together. The short story is that our gut microbiome plays a vital role in a healthy immune response throughout our whole body. When the gut isn’t happy, we notice it in various ways throughout our overall health, including through the presence of seasonal allergies. Read Eating to Support Gut Health for additional strategies to improve gut health NOW!

Best of luck this allergy season!

All supplements can be found in our online Wellevate dispensary here, but please, always consult with your qualified healthcare provider prior to usage.


An SY, Choi HG, Kim SW, et al. Analysis of various risk factors predisposing subjects to allergic rhinitis. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol. 2015;33(2):143-151.

Wallace DV, Dykewicz MS, Bernstein DI, et al. The diagnosis and management of rhinitis: an updated practice parameter. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008;122(2 Suppl):S1-S84.