Cold + Flu Who?! Immune Support for Children


We’re here to share with you our favorite go-to’s -- the supplements we keep on-hand for our children’s basic health + immune support. Although lifestyle factors are the KEY to promoting a healthy immune response, supplementation can help to optimize that response. Even with the “perfect” diet, the combination of many factors outside of our control (environmental toxicity, depleted nutrients in soils + less nutrient-rich foods, poor gut health, antibiotic over-usage, etc.) can leave us with vitamin + mineral depletion and inflammation gone awry. Thankfully, we can fill in the gaps and provide our bodies with important nutrients from quality supplementation! Yay!

Children’s Multivitamin


Dr. Mercola Children’s Chewable Multivitamin: when you need that extra nutritional support, a quality multi is just the ticket. A multivitamin is a good foundation for any supplement regimen. We like this children’s chew for the absence of common allergens, colorings, preservatives and because it’s not drowning in added sugar, while still containing a great balance of vitamins + minerals. It also tastes great, and is easy to consume. We’re often asked/reminded by the kids that it’s time to take one - a good sign!

For children ready to swallow a small capsule, we like Junior Nutrients by Pure Encapsulations. Also easy to break open the capsule and add contents to food or liquid.

Immune “Juice”


One of our favorite immune concoctions! (We drink it, too!) We mix a serving of each into water-- Designs for Health C+BioFizz or C-Complete Powder by Innate Response + Vital Kids Berry Well Immune Support, resulting in a delicious, fruity-flavored, immune boosting “juice”...without all the yucky stuff! The C + BioFizz contains a healthy dose of vitamin C + bioflavonoids (plant-derived compounds which are strong antioxidants!). The Berry Well Immune Support contains elderberry, astragalus, and arabinogalactans (say that five times fast!)... a super cool plant fiber that stimulates the immune system to protect us from infection. It has been used for centuries in many cultures to defend against the common cold. Yup, we’ll take some of that!



A good quality probiotic supports our gastrointestinal tract, which houses about 70-80% of our immune system! Whoa! It’s no wonder why diet is so important to our overall health!

A 2018 double-blind, randomized prospective trial published in the journal Synthetic Systems Biotechnology, found that probiotics helped specifically support upper respiratory tract function compared to placebo. The microbiome has an important role in digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients, helping kids reap the most benefit from the food they consume. Probiotics help children by supporting a healthy microbiome; therefore, probiotics will help to boost their overall health + immune system function. The Klaire TherBiotic Children’s Chewables have a great cherry flavor and contain 25 billion CFU per chew - they pack a great immune-supportive punch!

For our littlest littles, we like Therbiotic for Infants by Klaire Labs. On a clean finger, add a bit of powder, and apply gently to the inside of your infant’s cheek.

Fish Oil

Fish oil supplementation has been shown to support immune cell function. A 2018 pilot study featured in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry demonstrated that it specifically supported B-cell function. (B-cells are our little friends that help fight bacteria + viruses by creating antibodies.)

Carlson Kids Cod Liver Oil, Lemon-flavored: we love Carlson’s fish oil products as we trust the source - they use the highest quality Arctic cod coming off of the coast of Norway using traditional, sustainable methods. It has a pleasant lemon flavor, with the benefit of additional immune-supportive nutrients including vitamins A, D, and E.


Nordic Naturals ProOmega Junior Strawberry: we realize not everyone is up for a liquid fish oil...these soft gels can be chewed or swallowed, have a pleasant flavor and still pack a healthy dose of omega’s!

Vitamin D3

Adequate vitamin D levels are critical to maintaining a properly functioning immune system. This is especially important during the cold, winter months when we are outside less, which limits the obtaining of D naturally, from the sun.

We like Nordic Naturals Baby’s Vitamin D3 Drops for our wee ones and Thorne Vitamin D/K2 liquid for our older children. The liquid form is much easier to use with children (or adults!).



Last, but certainly not least, we love this palate-pleasing lemony zinc chew, Immuni-Z lozenges by Little Davinci. We make sure to have an extra bottle on-hand during cold/flu season. Be prepared! Zinc helps defend against bacterial + viral invaders, and has the unique ability to help control inflammation and prevent elevated inflammatory responses. Besides immune function, zinc is crucial in growth + repair, digestion, and hormone production, to name a few important processes.


We love having these supplements on-hand, as JUST that: supplements, meant to be supplemental. The most important immune supportive strategies revolve around daily sleep, proper nutrition, hydration, and physical activity. Read our article on Daily Immune Basics here for more immuno-supportive strategies.

You can find all of the above supplements listed above in our Wellevate Dispensary. Click here to create a free account, and have them shipped directly to your door. Easy peasy! Happiness + health this cold + flu season and beyond!

And as always please consult your qualified primary care provider prior to starting any new supplement regimen.



Guesdon W, Kosaraju R, Brophy P, et al. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2018;53:72-80.

Zhang H, Yeh C, Jin Z, et al. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology. 2018;3(2):113-120.