How To Wean Wonderfully!


Weaning can be super tough, super easy, super emotional, super dreadful, super triumphant and all of the other super (fill in the blank!)’s. The most important detail as to why we nurse our babes is because it is known to be the BEST nutrition and built-in immune support on this planet! Ensuring that we have the right mix of how to and what to feed our little person, in the absence of breastmilk, is one important factor to consider in the weaning process.

The other, sometimes even more complex, piece of weaning is the immensely emotional intricacies that go along with bringing this part of motherhood to closure. Afterall, goodbyes are hard for us all, right? If you’re well equipped with tools and strategies, this process can be wonderful, though! A victory for both you and your little person!

“A mom’s intuition is super sharp and not to be underestimated.”

As with many things in life, timing is everything… but there’s a caveat. Timing needs to be a decision made by you, the breastfeeding Mom. Often times, we feel pressure from others, some may say “when are you going to wean your daughter??! Don’t you think it’s time?”, while others say, “you better nurse longer than that, don’t you think your son needs more to grow optimally?”. We’re offering permission here at KaleBlossom to disregard all others’ input for timing. A mom’s intuition is super sharp and not to be under estimated. Create a timeline that works for you and your child, while allowing yourself flexibility (and lots of grace!). If you reach your “stop” date and no longer feel ready, it’s okay to re-evaluate and re-establish a new goal.

Communicate to your little one. They are super in tune with us and any changes that may be coming. Even if you feel like they’re not sure what you’re saying, you may be surprised as to how much they’re actually taking in. 

Most Moms will say that starting to wean by dropping the least attached feeding is key! Most of the time this means those night time feeds need to stick around a bit longer as this is when babes are soothed, feel super loved and descend into relaxation for a good night’s sleep. A win for Moms, who need their sleep! And for babies who also need their sleep. So naturally this makes morning nursings, when baby is alert, ready for the day and excited to explore, typically the easiest to discontinue first in the weaning process. 

A great strategy is to offer distractions at typical nursing times. For example, if you decide to drop the morning nursing first, have a ready to do activity—perhaps a neat new, colorful book to read together or a fun breakfast they can explore with their own hands. This works well for any day time nursings, too. For nighttime nursing alternatives, make sure the little one has had a recent snack so there’s no hunger to make them fussy or really miss their nighttime milk snack. Purchasing a few new special sippy cups filled with a non-cow milk of your choice (pending which “milks” have been introduced) works well to stimulate the part of their brain that’s used to drinking at that time of night. Or by implementing a new wind down activity in the chair they usually nurse in—think special book, singing a song or two or simply holding them tightly, making eye contact, telling them how special they are and how much you love them—all work beautifully!

Mark the final day(s)/night(s) of nursings in special ways. Write down the experience in a Mom’s journal, include what your little one was wearing, any details of the nursing, how long each session was, any songs sang, prayers prayed or sweet little things your munchkin does. 

Have your partner be camera-ready and take several, non-posed nursing pictures for the final week. This will help to capture a really beautiful aspect of your motherhood with your little one.

And if this all becomes too hard, it’s okay to stop, re-evaluate and even ask for help. Certified nurse midwives and lactation consultants can be wonderful support systems during this time. Remember, there’s no guidebook that accompanies motherhood. It’s a learning process and time for growth for all of us Moms… and for our babies, too. With love in your heart, intention to do what’s best for your baby and having a go-to-tribe of supportive women and perhaps Moms who have been there before, you’ll be able to wean in a wonderful way! Good luck, Mom, you can do this!

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