Kids School Lunch

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Creating a quality kids lunch they’ll actually eat!

Where has the summer gone?! It feels like we just started the summer routine - later dinners and bedtimes, summer sports, berry picking, trips to the library, and fun family vacations. Now we find ourselves in the swing of school and making sure our fridges are stocked for daily lunch-making. Besides the energy that goes into packing lunches, consideration of food allergies or sensitivities is also necessary, as is making sure your kids will actually eat the lunch you pack. It packs a triple punch and can be stressful, Mommas! We’ve put together our favorite tips for packing lunch and some simple ideas to get you started…

Involve your kids from the beginning.

Whether at the grocery store or farmer’s market, involve your kids in the decision making. It holds true for us all that when we are involved in decision-making, we are more passionate about the outcome. Let your kids pick out the apples and carrots, or provide them with a short list of fruits and veggies that they are responsible for finding. With ownership in the decision, they are more likely to connect with the entire process. The first thing our kiddos ALWAYS reach for is whatever they have picked out. Check!

Let them help you prepare.

When it comes to actually creating the lunch, first, have your children choose from a few different items to pack. (You’ll notice they’ll want the items they’ve helped purchase :) Our kids help wash fruits and veggies, peel the cucumbers and cut softer foods like melon. If this seems like too much for the morning, do some prep work on Sundays or the night before. You’ll find that less food comes back home uneaten when they help!

Choose fun, practical containers.

The right containers are so important for packing lunches! Who grew up always wanting Lunchables?! These girls right here! We wanted the choice and “fun” container.  

Our kids LOVE their Planet Box - bento style stainless steel containers. They’re easy to open and allow for a fun variety of choices. They even come with fun magnets to decorate and personalize the outside! We also like LunchBots, and use the smaller containers for snacks and travel! They’re certainly an investment, but can be used for years. If you consider the savings in brown paper lunch bags and plastic sandwich bags, you’ll save money (and the earth!) in the long run.

When we pack leftovers that need to stay warm, such as soup, we warm it in the morning and send it in LunchBots Thermal Insulated Container. For years we’ve sent the kids to school with Klean Kanteen water bottles - you can choose from a fun variety of colors and sizes! (We also love the Steel 10oz Cups for home use or if your kids keep a cup at school!) These items are dishwasher safe and have held up so well!

The Food.

The strategy is straight forward: include a protein, veggie, fruit, a grain (or paleo “grain”), and a small snack (what our kids like to call their “SURPRISE”. :) In a perfect world, we’d love to pack fresh, homemade Pinterest-worthy items daily...but that’s just not realistic! We include a link below that lists both homemade and store-bought items.

What To Make: Kids School Lunch

Bon appetit, Blossoms!

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