What is Environmental Medicine?

Great question! You’ve likely heard this term (or environmental health) pop up more frequently as scientists continue to discover information pointing towards the need to examine our surroundings – by way of our homes, outdoor areas, water, air, products and more.

For women, in particular, we tend to smother ourselves in lotions, potions and make-up galore. This can be a wonderful thing (we look beautiful + smell great!) that comes with a price, a super-duper toxic price. The most common routes of toxic exposure include ingestion, inhalation and topically through the skin (our biggest organ!). 

Numerous recent studies have found tons of toxic women in the U.S. alone. One study in particular found that over 50% of women, aged 16 to 49 had blood levels of lead, mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that exceeded the national average. Yikes! And when us toxic ladies become pregnant, another generation of toxic little humans is created. So the vicious cycle is able to continue. On and on and on. These environmental triggers are also why we’re continuing to see chronic diseases skyrocket. Conditions including early onset puberty, infertility, PCOS, allergies, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer and more.

So enough of the gloom + doom, what can we do about it? Start by taking an inventory of your own personal environment. Here are several questions to get your super-sleuth, investigative juices flowing:

  1. What type of personal hygiene products do you use (hairspray, make-up, perfume, lotion)?

  2. Do you wear costume jewelry?

  3. Do you use air fresheners, plug-ins or scented candles in your home, car or office?

  4. Are any of your kitchen containers plastic or made in China?

  5. Do you use non-stick baking pans?

  6. Are there any signs of moisture, water, or mildew in your home (under the sink, on the ceiling, in bathrooms)? 

  7. Is there a dirt-floor crawlspace or musty/damp basement in your home?

  8. What year was your home/residence built?

  9. Do you live near a busy street with lots of traffic? (exhaust from cars, trucks)

  10. Do you store paint, pesticides or other “outdoor” products inside your home?

If you answered yes to any or lots of these questions, please continue exploring your environmental health and ways to reduce your daily exposures—be mindful of anything and everything you put into, onto or around your body. And make changes where you can. For example, phase out your old kitchen-ware with glass, cast iron or stainless steel. (Check out some of our favorites HERE). Trash your old, chemical-laden make-up and choose some “clean” products. Find our favorites here. Ditch the scented candles for an essential oil diffuser + EO of your choice. Or have your home inspected from a certified, indoor air quality company. These are just a few small steps towards big changes. Can you think of others?? 

As always, we wish you happiness, health and a non-toxic environment, kale blossoms! 


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